Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A L I E N Defence Part3

Things are coming along quite nicely as I elaborate on my cartoon "A L I E N S Defence System". Again I know that this is a dated piece but I have been wanting to spend some time developing my inking techniques.

I have opted to extend the drawings of both the queen and the drones further into the background. I am just having a great time expanding the characters even though you probably won't see much of the detail in the final piece.
The 2nd image above shows the newly completed black & white graphic compared to the original. A couple of things you might notice right off the bat.

First I decided to change "Defence" to "Defense". Both spellings are correct it just looks better to me using an 's' instead of a 'c'.

Second would have to be the extendedoverall detail. Most cartoonists would defend that the humor carries the graphic and that the image sells the joke. In this case I would have to agree but I just love the subject matter so much that I wanted the drawing to be better.

I thought about updating the names on the gift cards to some of our current notables but since the original concept came from President Reagan I think I will keep the recipients contemporary to the time.

Now that I have completed the drawing I am ready to start adding color.

More soon. Please let me know if any of you are finding ANY of this stuff interesting. I love sharing the process. I can do card tricks if you are bored.

Shalom -nik

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