Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer Better Than Others

"Summer time, summer time, sum-sum-summer time . . . " I really hate to see it go. The long hazy days, the katy-didz as they shwiz-shwiz-shhhwizzzzing in the trees and the smells of the pool chlorine and suntan oil permeate the air. But I would have to say that this Summer has been one of the best on record for me. Maybe it is because I am getting old-ER but I seem to have held on to many of the trappings of the season. I have been reaching for my younger days, the music, the laughs, the zany friends that made those times so special. Some would call it "middle age crazy", I call it applying the spice of youth to the boiled rice of redundant days.

To anyone who follows or cares (and if it is you -AWESOME!!) I apologize for the long quiet distance between posts.

I am working on a project that is really cool. It involves a new planet of characters called "Freelings". The concept is pretty cool and the Freelings are FUN, FUN, FUN!!! I will put a picture up later today. Al is gaining momentum in my thoughts but remains a mild distraction for now (sorry buddy). I will add more soon.

Shalom my friends. nik