Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time To Catch Up!!!

Hello fellow bloggers and welcome to my meager attempt to bring things up to date. When last we talked I was updating my "A L I E N S Defense System" cartoon. I really loved working on this piece as I was able to see the difference in style and detail over the years.

As of my last post I was ready to start adding color to the piece and had decided to cover the steps from start to finish. However since NOBODY EVER RESPONDS TO THESE POSTS- I am just going to cop out and show you the finished piece (see above). If any of you are curious and want to see more . . . LET ME KNOW and I would be happy to elaborate on the process.

I have been busier then a one legged man in a tushy kickin' contest . . . AND . . . compounded with some fairly serious health issues I have neglected this blog. Since I am getting the impression that I am typing just to see myself type I will keep this short and sweet -in the interest of posterity and all.

I have been spending a great deal of time refining my technique and changing my style over the past few months. I have been a HUGE Mort Drucker fan pretty much most of my young adult into all of my old adult life. Recently I discovered a very talented gentleman named Tom Richmond. Between the two I find that I want to strive to better my caricatures and reach higher for my subjects.

A couple of months back I had the opportunity to design a logo for a gentleman that creates 50's sci-fi campy girl style model kits. After expressing that I really wouldn't be interested in doing anything off color or nudity oriented -to which he replied that he wasn't interested in that kind of thing either- we talked back and forth via email regarding the "style" and "feel" of the logo. From the beginning we both agreed that a WWII, B17 bomber "nose art" feel would fit the company's agenda. I love that kind of art so I went to work and came up with the design that you see below.

AND THAT is this blog caught up. I hope that you -who ARE reading this- are doing well and enjoying the hot Summer dayz. Stay tuned and I will try to do better with keeping this thing up to date!

All the best till next time- nik