Monday, April 21, 2008

Model Behavior

Ahhhhhhhhh YES!!!! that creative bug bit me again. Yes indeed a buddy of mine has been urging me to create a 3D image of my pal AL for years so I guess the time has come. The photo posted shows some sketches of AL and a couple of shots of his head in clay (the thing coming up from underneath is a stick that I use to hold his head in place) thus far.

I am truly excited to see my cartoon-buddy come to life. When the model is done it will be in two versions. One of AL in the ORBO1 and the other will be the standing pose that you see in the sketch. The cool part is that Russ (that's my buddy-who just so happens to be in the model kit business) will be casting and reproducing AL as a model kit. I know, I know, you are asking "who the heck would buy a model of a character that nobody has heard of???". I can hear you asking that because I am asking that too but HEY! it's AL EoN in the flesh, or I guess resin. Well I am hoping that AL's charm, good looks and natural charisma will draw (HA -PUN) people to have him on their fireplace mantle.

Anyway, if you think you are interested in an AL EoN model kit PLEASE LET ME KNOW. You can reach me at . I would love to hear your thots. Gotta bounce (hahhahaha -that's right I said 'bounce'), soooooooooooooo have a great week!


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